It's really a personal challenge that I enjoy and have been doing for as long as I can remember. Not to mention my style depends on my mood that morning or a spontaneous event. Last week is a perfect example of spontaneity meets work navy straight leg jumper that gave me the Hampton's kind of feeling for a casual work day wasn't funky enough when I was surprised with tickets to Common's Diesel cologne (only the brave) launch party at Capitale. I was more in a harem pants mood - A belt and two pieces of ribbon later my straight leg jumper had the urban feel I wanted. All I did was tie the ribbon at the bottom of each pant leg, I thought about letting the ends hang to add a little surprise to the outfit - but my shoes took care of that - so I tucked them under so only I knew they were there.

Some think my closet is endless...but really its all about the tricks, the mixing-and-matching, and great accessories. Getting creative with what I have to inspire a new look is the best part of my day. Not to mention it really helps in times when you want to stick to your budget.
Summer time is wedding season, and many of my dear friends have been bitten by the love bug. A few days later I was heading to DUMBO for a wedding under the Brooklyn Bridge. I woke up feeling fiercely flirty - my purple poof dress needed a little edge. Belts are always great to transform and add new lines to your outfit...two belts are even better! I had two studded belts that were the right size for my hip, but wanted something rock-n-roll for my waist. I stuck one in the other and voila, a double texture studded belt.
So there it is, my tricks for the week.
Hope all is well in your worlds.