Hello! My name is Sahar Pazirandeh... to keep it short, I am a people & WOMEN empowerment junkie. Actualizing my dreams in New York City, often in Colorado and Florida - consulting other entrepreneurs, artists and organization to do the same.

Fashionlanthropist mentoring and creating with teens through credit-earning fashion programs I developed. Who says learning isn't chic?

And when I'm not engulfed in all of this I help fundraise (grant writer & events) for non-profits, including public schools.

Thank you for stopping by, hope to meet you soon. ~Sahar

Twitter: FreedomStar2Day

August 16, 2009

Last you heard...

I was making final edits on my web-site between creating new earrings. 

Well, I'm happy to report that Afro Punk was a success and .... AT LAST.... has spread its wings! 

Thanks to a patient and knowledgeable web designer, Sarah. She answered all my questions and dealt with my artist angst.  I must say, there is something about looking at your work on the Internet that makes you feel ... legit... is there any better way to say it?  After all, it was something that made me take a moment and think about the past year. You know the instance that gives you satisfaction, job well done, sit back, sigh and sink in your chair.  That's right before the wave of excitement and motivation hits to see what else you can do! That is where I am tonight.

I felt the same when I was packing up at the end Afro Punk Festival.  I must say, Freedom Star came onto the street festival scene on the right note. The vibe of the vendors during set up was one of a tight community. The competition became your admirers and supporters.  And that's just the vendors! 

The day continues and Afro Punk chic to geek were killing it. Personal style was on point and all over the map.  If I wasn't suffering from an emergency root canal I would have taken more pictures. It was a mix of punk meets Nubian princess, while she awaits her rocker prince who will no doubt pick her up on his BMX.  Amazing. I felt honored to be there. 

Few weeks later my jewelry making took me to the bridal suite of a dear friend - Delphine. I was honored to make the necklace that lay down her back as she married my other good friend, Steve. If this day of love wasn't enough to make a girl grin from ear-to-ear, I was also asked to
 be their Officiant. 

So, basically that's where I've been...launching my site, surrounded by Nubian princesses, and marrying Cinderella to her prince.

Now time to get ready for September 13th!!! Wondering why? Stay tuned....


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